Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Where I started.

So as stated above, I have two kids. Only one had the luxury of cloth diapers. Yep, I am going to write all this blah blah blah jazz on CD's and only used them for one of two kids. Being a first time mom and learning about CD's with no support would have been really tough. We had enough going on, I don't think I could have swung it. I always wanted to use them, but never took that jump.

Then came baby #2. We discussed having a nanny and that was my push to use cloth. Figuring I'd be home for a few months and the nanny would be home versus daycare, AND it was baby #2, I knew what I was doing…seemed like the perfect scenario.

I am known to do extensive research into anything before buying it. I spent months picking out the best car seat, stroller, pack n play…you name it…for our son. When I was pregnant with our daughter, I had all that stuff, so I had LOTS of time to research and educate myself on cloth.

I live in a pretty big city, and we have ONE store that carries cloth diapers. These ladies helped me a ton, they recommended great brands and taught me a lot of what I try to teach others. Maybe one day I can blog for them…

I also spent a lot of time in online CD groups, various websites with LOTS of info. It's overwhelming, most people give up when they realize all the options, the learning curve, the cost…they just use what's easy…what they know.

The most important thing I learned was to buy various brands and give them all a try. My first stash was crazy! I had so many options and it was fabulous!

for those of you reading that are interested…there are some newborn all-in-ones (NB AIO), lots of pocket diaper, AIO's, prefolds and covers.
Brands appear to be:
Bumgenius, Fuzibunz, Bummis/Tots Bots, Thirsties and some others I can't remember off hand.

I can say over a year later, one of those brands is still in my house! 

Anyway, while I recommend this option for choices, I had no one to sit me down and tell me everything. I want to be that person for other people. I want to come to meet you, explain things honestly with my experience, show you in person what all this stuff is and how it works.

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